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You searched for: mexican food

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A cat goes to a mouse burrito store and the cashier asks him if he wants white or brown.
  • Taco Belt punches you in the face.
  • Chirpotle birdito parodies Chipotle burrito.
  • Man finds creature in his black legumes.
  • Refried beans have therapy support group to discuss addiction to getting refried.
  • A trial jury is found deadlocked between Chinese food and Mexican food for lunch.
  • A worm eats chili and his wife asks if he's planning on aerating the lawn.
  • Godzilla eats a bunch of unhealthy food factories and needs to eat the Pepto Bismol building.
  • A woman gets an ultrasound and her unborn child is holding a sign that says "No more chili."
  • Butterfly lands on flower to drink nectar, passes out from the scent of the flower, flower wonders if he should lay off the Mexican food.

You searched for: mexican food